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report stage (英國議會)委員會的報告會;第三讀會。


The charter of analysis on the sta ndards for appraising quality in auditing is the key in my paper , it analysis auditing quality of three stages during the work of auditing one by one , that is , auditing quality of preparing stage , auditing quality of performing stage , auditing quality of reporting stage 接著進一步闡述審計質量的特征,這些特征體現了不同的審計質量衡量標準體系的構建思想。獨立審計質量衡量標準分析與評價是本文的核心部分,它逐一分析了獨立審計過程中三個階段的審計質量。

When the scrutiny of a bill has reached the report stage , and upon the recommendation of the legal adviser and the committee concerned , the house committee may decide to vacate the slot for examination of the next bill in the queue 當某法案的研究工作已達提交報告的階段,在法律顧問及有關委員會建議下,內務委員會可決定將名額騰空,以便展開輪候中下一條法案的研究工作。

A bill pass through the following stage in parliament : first read , second read , committee stage , report stage and third read 在議會,法案通過以下幾個階段:一讀,二讀,討論,下院辯論和三讀。

Basically , the audit consists of three stages , i . e . the planning stage , the investigation stage and the reporting stage 審計工作基本上包括三個階段,即策劃階段、調查階段及報告階段。